Saturday, January 11, 2014

Toothbrushing Goes Hi-Tech with Kolibree

If we've got smartphones, then the oral hygiene industry gives us a smart toothbrush. Kolibree doesn't just clean your teeth, it contains technologies to inform you where you have brushed, what part of your mouth you missed, and how you can get better.
Together with the toothbrush is the Kolibree app that monitors how many brushings you make per day, how long is your last brushing and calculates your brushing average time per day, and detects which part of your denture you don't brush enough.

Just download Kolibree's app and create an account. Account's founder is the main user and can invite and manage up to 4 more users inside the same account. You can see stats of your family and then control oral hygiene of your kids. Help them to get started with a good oral care. Once your toothbrush is paired and synchronised with the user accounts, the link is private. By default you cannot use the toothbrush of another. You can link several toothbrush to an account, and even to a user! Go to settings and change the management of your toothbrush very easily.


Photo from


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